Saturday, June 4, 2011

tempat edit photo online

tadi aku iseng googling, ya.. sekedar cari info aja dan cari software buat edit foto. ya lama juga aku nongkrongin computer tapi yang aku cari juga belum ketemu. tapi ada yang aku suka dengan googling tadi, ada editing foto online yang mirip dengan photosine nama funnywow.

jadi buat kamu yang pengen mempercantik photo kamu langsung aja menuju tempat lokasi tersebut, dijamin kamu pasti suka
ini sekedar contoh aja dari funnywow

masih banyak contoh lain sob, dah langsung aja ke funnywow
Posted on 8:04 PM / 0 komentar / Read More

Friday, June 3, 2011

Logo Google lucu

 kemarin itu saya sempat mencari-cari blok yang memposting bagaimana cara membuat logo yang mirip google, eh... ternyata setelah aku googling malah menemukan blog tetangga yang juga mirip,
 terus saya coba itu eee... ternya ta malah lebih asyik dan lucu. kamu mau coba juga

Untuk membuatnya sangat mudah cukup buka link berikut funnylogo.info lalu masukkan nama atau tulisan yang ingin kamu buat. Pilih tipe jenis logo yang ingin digunakan. Untuk melihat lebih banyak logo klik More Logo Styles and Colors. Jika sudah langsung klik Create My Search Engine untuk mempublishnya.
Maka jadilah sekarang tampilan search engine Google dengan tampilan kamu sendiri atau dengan kata lain kita sudah membuat search engine sendiri atau mesin pencari dengan nama kita sendiri. Logo Google dengan nama kita ini bisa kita buat show off dengan cara mensetting sebagai homepage pada browser.
Jadi setiap ada teman atau orang lain yang buka browser pake kompie atau laptop kamu, maka otomatis akan terlihat search engine atau mesin pencari buatan kamu sendiri. Buat yang kurang kerjaan bisa jadi salah satu solusi :-D.
Posted on 8:00 PM / 0 komentar / Read More

HTML CODE - Gambar Animasi

mau mempercantik blognya dengan gambar-gambar animasi saya ada beberapa contoh teman-teman bisa kopi paste, ini saya dapat dari blog sebelah. kalau mau nyoba monggo....

Animasi 1
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/ mce_href=http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/><img src=http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated119.gif mce_src=http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated119.gif alt=zwani.com myspace graphic comments border=0></a><br><a href=http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/ mce_href=http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/ target=_blank>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 2
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated174.gif” border=”0″ alt=”azwani.com” /></a>
<a href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”blank”>SoloCyberCity</a>
Animasi 3
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated198.gif” mce_src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated198.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 4
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated21.gif” mce_src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated21.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 5
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated243.gif” mce_src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated243.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 6

zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/1animated183.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 7
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated171.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 8
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated58.gif” mce_src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated58.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 9
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated71.gif” mce_src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated71.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/” mce_href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 10
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<center><a href=”http://www.zwani.com/graphics/animated/”><img src=”http://images.zwani.com/graphics/animated/images/animated60.gif” alt=”zwani.com myspace graphic comments” border=0></a><br><a href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”>SoloCyberCity</a></center>
Animasi 11
Blog Iseng
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<a title=”Blog Iseng” href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://www.solocyber.net/bayiedan.gif” border=”0″ alt=”Blog Iseng” /></a>
Animasi 12
Blog Iseng
Kopi Paste Script dibawah dan taruh di artikel/postingan
<a title=”Blog Iseng” href=”http://solocybercity.wordpress.com/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://www.solocyber.net/dalamperbaikan.gif” border=”0″ alt=”Blog Iseng” /></a>
Posted on 2:35 AM / 0 komentar / Read More

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Website Duplicate Content Issue If Category And Tags Indexing is Allowed

In any way, you have to be a little careful about the SEO implications. If you are not careful, your wordpress site may end up being penalized by the search engines.
This is due to the duplicate content issue. The search engines have tweaked their algorithms to detect duplicate content within the same domain. And if they didn't like a particular website, they won't hesitate to tank the rankings or even in the worst case scenario, ban the website. So how to avoid being penalized?
The default Wordpress has got tags and categories included. Tags are keyword phrases that help web traffics find relevant content on your Wordpress site. In other words, they are like keyword searches. When you view a page with a tag listing, all pages with the presence of the keyword tags will be listed. Imagine having a blog post with numerous tags. That means the same content will be listed under a large number tags all at the same time.
Categories are more straight forward. When you publish content on your website, you can easily organize them into categories. When a web traffic clicks on a specific category, they will be able to view all blog posts that were published in that particular category.
Usually, only excerpts of the content will be listed. But that may be enough to trigger the search engine filters and looking the site into trouble.
SEO experts understand this trouble and the issue can be easily fixed with a little special Meta tags. Meta tags are special lines of code included in the web pages that are invisible to web traffics. They can be used to communicate with bots such as search bots and give special commands. In this case, we want to let the bots know that we do not want tags and category pages to be indexed. We then include "nofollow" and "noindex" Meta tags. Once search bots encounter these tags, they will not index the pages.
An alternative solution will be include a single line of code to all tags and category pages. This is commonly known as "canonical link". The canonical link points towards the original blog post. When the search bot encounters a canonical link, the original post will be taken as the primary content on the site. This will help Wordpress sites being flagged for duplicate content.
This may sound difficult to implement if you are unfamiliar with SEO and never want to meddle with Wordpress templates. In any way, you can install SEO plugins that will help you implement the above mentioned measures easily. All-in-one Platinum SEO is a popular plugin that is highly recommended. Once installedScience Articles, you can select the choice to deindex all tags and category pages.
Posted on 3:00 AM / 0 komentar / Read More

Friday, May 27, 2011

Corel DRAW Graphics Suite X5


Creativity and power come together in Corel DRAW Graphics Suite X5. With increased speed, more accurate color control, enhanced vector illustration tools and new Web capabilities, it’s a must-have for any designer. Get going quickly with new professionally designed templates and learning materials. Find graphics, fonts and images on your computer faster than ever with new Corel® CONNECT™. Re-purpose and share your creations anywhere with expanded file compatibility. Then output everywhere, from Web banners and animations, to logos, custom signs and more.

    More speed with new multi-core support
    More rich content and professional templates
    More learning tools, video tutorials and expert tips
    More compatibility, with support for over 100 file formats
    More color control and consistency
    More Web capabilities, including Flash animation support
    More output options for print, Web, digital signs and more

free trial DOWNLOAD
Posted on 12:21 AM / 0 komentar / Read More

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Differences between Hardware and Software Recovery

The two main kinds of data recovery are for hardware damage and software damage, both of which can cause serious data loss. Identifying the differences between them can help in recovering the lost data swiftly.
Hardware data loss usually involves the hard drive if it is exposed to physical damage like electric shock, water, fire or falling. Recovering data from a damaged hard drive is expensive because it will require disassembling the drive to repair or completely replace it. This is done in a clean room that is free of dust or dirt, which can cause further damage.
A defective hard drive can be recognized by odd sounds produced when switching the computer on, or grinding sounds after running for some time. In more serious cases, the computer will refuse to boot or emit smoke in case of an electrical problem. Contact a specialist as soon as you notice these malfunctions.
Before opting to conduct hardware recovery, get quotes as soon as possible to find a specialist who will fix it at a reasonable price. You can only get a quote if the specialist takes a look at your hard drive to know what the exact problem is and how to repair it, so it is always good to have an IT specialist at hand at all times.
Software data loss is usually more manageable because it affects no physical part of the computer. This problem can be as “little” as deleting files and then emptying the recycle bin, or as severe as a file deleting virus in the system. In the first case, free recovery software can be downloaded and run to restore deleted files, but for the other case, recovering data will require expert attention.
Avoid running other programs, using the Internet or copying new files because the new files will be overwritten in the space where the lost files were, making it more difficult to recover. However, do free up as much space as you can on the computer by deleting or moving files to an external storage device. This will allow the recovery software to install and run better to recover all the lost files.
Posted on 11:17 PM / 0 komentar / Read More
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